Our Family Circle

Compiled by Annie Elizabeth Miller
Macon, Ga.: J.W. Burke, 1931.

Digital Version (searchable) at ancestry.com
Print version available at the Heritage Library, Hilton Head Island, SC

A Saga of the South

A Saga of the South
Edward P. Lawton

Ft. Myers Beach, Fla.: The Island Press. 1965.

Kith and Kin

Kith and Kin

Kith and Kin: A Portrait of a Southern Family 1630-1934
Carolyn L. Harrell
Mercer University Press. 1984.

Jockey and Other Stories

Jockey and Other Stories

Jockey and Other Stories
Of Boy Life on a Southern Farm

T. Oregon Lawton
Greenville, SC.  Third Edition. 1928.

Some Survived

Some Survived: An Epic Account of Japanese Captivity During World War II

Manny Lawton
Chapel Hill, N.C.: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. 1984

Order on Amazon.com

The Means of Grace

The Means of Grace: A History of the Robertville Baptist Church

Eric Plaag
Charley House Press. 2021

Order at Carolina Historical