2025 Annual Meeting
April 4-5, 2025
Epworth Methodist Church
(Located on James Island)
1540 Camp Rd
Charleston, SC 29412
This year, we will meet April 4 and 5 in Charleston on James Island. The Huguenot Society meets this same weekend, so those of us who live out of town will have the opportunity to coordinate attendance at both events in a single trip. I hope that you can come to both meetings.
We will gather at the Epworth Methodist Church on James Island where Cousin Vivia Fowler is the pastor. On Friday night we will catch up on all that’s gone on, renew friendships, hold a brief family meeting, and look to the future.
On Saturday, we’ll hear from Cousin Bill Segars who has co-authored a book about Colonial Churches in South Carolina that were burned by British Forces.
On Saturday afternoon, we’ll have the opportunity to register for the Huguenot Society Grand Finale Event at Hampton Plantation. You can register using this link: https://huguenotsociety.org/fete?mc_cid=0467b60673&mc_eid=49d9993be1
I haven’t booked an “official” conference hotel, but I recommend the Holiday Inn Riverview located on the banks of the Ashley River. It has a great view and is convenient to both James Island and downtown. There are also “air b-n-b” offerings on James Island and West Ashley that are convenient. Book early! Charleston is popular in the springtime.
If you prefer to send a check, please mail it to the address below. Register today!
Neale Hightower
Lawton and Allied Families Association
135 Lamont Drive
Decatur, GA 30030
I look forward to seeing all of you again. It’s been far too long – so let’s meet at Edisto this year!
Your cousin and friend,
Neale Hightower
Register and Pay Online
Let us know you are coming! Register
Friday evening (6:00 pm)
- Registration
- Supper ($30)
- Family Meeting
Saturday morning (10:00am)
- Registration and introductions
- Family meeting and report
- Program – Cousin Bill Segars
- Lunch ($35)
Saturday afternoon
- Visit the Huguenot Society Grand Finale at Hampton Plantation